Book; Born in 1974? What else happened? - Ron Williams


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This is  a series of books about life in Australia – one for each year from 1939. They describe happenings that affected people, real people. The whole series, to coin a modern phrase, is designed to push your buttons, to make you remember and wonder at things forgotten.

The books might just let nostalgia see the light of day, so that oldies and youngies will talk about the past and re-discover a heritage otherwise forgotten. Hopefully, they will spark discussions between generations, and foster the asking and answering of questions that should not remain unanswered.

These were striking times in 1974. Whitlam and his Merry Ministers tried to change the world, and did make impressions. Or maybe dents. In any case, inflation and strikes took the wind out of their sails, and their post-election aura was long gone by Christmas. They won an election but did not gain control of Parliament, they were fighting each other as well as the Opposition by then, and then the nation’s economy was a disaster. Jim Cairns was under the spotlight, and so to was Lionel Murphy. Frank Sinatra came and fought and went. Wills were sometimes ignored, mothers went to work if they chose.

ISBN: 9780645182651
Publisher: Boom Books
164 pages

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Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Born in 1974

A really good gift for a family member

Christine Davis
1974 Book

Thank you for my delivery
At first I thought that I had wasted my money for the two books I had ordered but after emailing you and the tracking number was rectified I was able to follow my order. So thank you

Pamela Summers
Great Gift Idea

Wonderful gift which is beautifully presented.

Lynette Faith
1974 Book

This is for a birthday later in the year, so not much feedback yet
Good p[rice, good service

Jan Bell
50th memories

For my son born 1974. Loved reading it before gifting it.