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Book; Australia Remember When. Bob Byrne. (Author signed copy).
Book; Australia Remember This Too. Bob Byrne. (Author signed copy).
Book; Stuff We Had in the '50s and '60s - Pam Van Der Kooy
Book; Children's Birthday Cake Book: 40th anniversary edition (Hardback) - Australian Women's Weekly
Book; In Living Memory: A photographic portrait of daily life in Australia from the 1930s to the 1970s - Alasdair McGregor
Book; Adelaide Remember When. Bob Byrne. (Author signed copy)
Book; Adelaide Remember When; The Boomer Stories - Bob Byrne. (Author signed copy)
Book; Melbourne Remember When. Bob Byrne. (Author signed copy).
Book; Growing up in Adelaide in the 1950s - Susan Blackburn
Book; Breaking out: Memories of Melbourne in the 1970s - Susan Blackburn (editor)
Book; Surfing in the Sixties : The culture, the music and the fashions